The Purple Ink Cafe is an imaginative portal that allows you to connect and collaborate from the comfort of your home. Your Creative Edge is a multi-faceted program with a focus on building your business/offerings from the inside out.
It's about gathering ideas from experts during each month’s workshop/training. There are plenty of experts and we will invite those whose style and philosophy align with The Purple Ink Cafe. You will get to measure the information against your own values and personality and integrate what feels right and genuine to you. This will occur during the intimate master mind sessions and deepen in your personal one to one coaching sessions. And of course, you will take action. When the action is coming from your authentic self it will flow easier and attract those who want what you have to offer. That is your creative edge. |
How would you complete this quote? |
If you think of your business as a tree, purposeful and beautiful, Your Creative Edge is the roots and trunk of the tree. The parts that ground you, nurture you, and provide you with structure and support so you can let your beautiful foliage unfurl in all its glory, attracting the clients just right for you.
" The company of extraordinary people reminds you of the power of having faith in
your own uniqueness and acting courageously from it"
- Rod Stryker
"I showed up to the Purple Ink Cafe with an "ok, let me get through this so I can go back to hustling for ideas and make dinner" mindset, but left it completely altered. Being in the presence of other creative people seems to ignite the idea fires, and having a sympathetic group who understands your struggle helps you pull the solutions almost from midair. When I was in the Purple Ink Cafe with a few minutes of the group's attention, the ideas started flowing, without all the brain grinding I was sure I would need to do before joining the group. I was energized, enthused, amazed by the alchemy I'd just feels like friggin pixie dust. And the Purple Ink Cafe is just covered in it! Thank you Kathy & Mary for the wonderful group experience, and for reaffirming that this stuff does indeed work, beautifully." |
January: - Wednesday, January 31 - (1 - 2 pm ET)
Week #1: - Goal Setting - Kaizen Style ...........Wednesday 7 - (1 - 2 pm ET) Week #2 - 1:1 coaching sessions .....................Dates and Times TBD Week #3 - Master Mind ……………..............…...... Wednesday 21 - (1 - 3 pm ET) Week #4 - Creative Work Inspired Play …...… Wednesday 28 (1 -2 pm ET) * dates and times may change |
"It is totally amazing the value of this Master Mind!!! It's fun. We share challenges and solutions and you move faster forward with others along. Of course, enjoying the journey too. We are using all the fun KMCC tools. I am using it for professional business challenges as well as personal ones. We share resources. This was a good personal and professional decision for me." |
![]() Kathy brings the business and organizational skills of 35 years in corporate management along with the experience of finally breaking out onto her own. As a proprietress at The Purple Ink Cafe she facilitates KMI Master Minds™, leads Writers' Circles using the Amherst Writers and Artist workshop model and feeds the purple spark of creativity found at the cafe. She's a KMI Master Mind™ founder, facilitator and instructor as well as a blogger and a Master Kaizen-Muse™ Creativity Coach. Her practice is focused on helping people uncover possibilities and navigate life transitions with grace, joy and eyes wide open. More here.
![]() Mary has over twenty five years experience in program development, training and workshop facilitation. Working in both the non-profit and for profit world before transitioning to a soul-o-preneur. Her playful and imaginative spirit shines in her role as a proprietress at The Purple Ink Cafe. Mary's work blends the principles of Kaizen and creativity in ways that let her clients experience greater productivity, expanded possibilities, idea generation and elevation with more energy and zest for life. She is a KMI Master Mind™ founder, facilitator and instructor, Creative Strategy Coach, Modern Day Muse™ Group Facilitator, Master Kaizen-Muse™Creativity Coach, and a Master Kaizen Creative™ NLP Practitioner. Learn more here.